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Conversations: knitted and illustrated

Let’s knit together.

Project details

Cultural Diversity

This series of illustrations started off as a reaction to 19th century western genre paintings that most commonly depict white women knitting alone, in silence and at home. In these paintings knitting represents domesticity and the confinement of women. With my illustrations, I want to depict how my own practice of knitting differs from this context, by bringing knitting out of the home and focusing on inclusivity and diversity. Taking a speculative approach, I illustrated how I would love and hope to see knitting visible in the world, showing people the many possibilities there are within knitting, with a focus on the act of knitting together, and the community it creates. 

A Scarf of a Conversation

A research into what happens when we knit together. The scarf represents a conversation with a dear friend. Each colour represents a particular aspect of our conversation. Knit on 6mm needles with the moss stitch.

For more work by Anna check out her website and instagram.