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To WdKA graduates platform

Ludic Cube


“When was the last time you did something you actually enjoy doing?”

The word “Play” is something we usually associate with children. Yet, play is critical in our stressful adult lives.
Play has been shown to release endorphins, improve brain functionality, stimulate creativity, improve memory and stimulate the growth of the cerebral cortex.

And… It’s simply fun.
But what does play mean in adulthood, and how does it differ from children’s play?

What I hear frequently from peers is that they feel trapped in this endless cycle of “work eat sleap repeat!” and when they have time to do something other than that it’s either “binging Netflix on the couch” or “drinking with friends”.

What I notice among adults is that the form of imaginative freeform (role) play that is a regular activity within childhood, is not seen as an appropriate form of play throughout adulthood. More “grown up” forms of play would be activities like sports, boardgames, videogames or mobile phone games. Mainly games of a competitive nature.

What I see is that especially people with lower income jobs find it difficult to even make time for something like play, working multiple jobs just to get by. And in general I see that there is this culture that is very work oriented and views purposeless activities like play as a waste of time.

When I ask people that question:

“When is the last time you did something

you actually enjoy doing?”

They often have to think long and hard about it before being able to form an answer.

Ludic Cube follows 6 masked characters as they wander through the woods, a mysterious entity calls upon them and guides them to walk towards an open field, this is where they meet to play a game of dodgeball. 

In my research document I try to answer the question:

“How do we individually incorporate more play
into our daily lives within adulthood?”

Maria Mombers, Bobbi Swildens, Simone Tukker, Anouk van der Toorn, Jort van der Zee, Alisha Atmopawiro

Rogier Mulder

Florine Dotman, Marga Tukker, Thea de Zwart

© 2022 Nina Tukker