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To WdKA graduates platform
Bifet Tomas

the stomach remembers

A film about food, love and trauma.

Shows a hidden family trauma in the rural Spanish outback. Food, which plays an important part in everyday Spanish life, is used as a focal point to unravel the pain and to start talking about traumas that are hard to mention. It provides a tool to find words to speak about what is going on deep down and shows the love that is otherwise unspeakable.

For my graduation project, I did research on family traumas and intergenerational trauma. The idea that traumas are sometimes impossible to talk about, but the love that people feel for each other behind this can still be very great, that the real trauma will never be discussed, but that, beyond this trauma, there are always attempts to make contact with the other.

What I have have come to realise through my research is that in our society it is difficult to talk about traumas, yet it is all around us and often shapes our communication and makes life so difficult for so many people. I would like to further develop my method of talking and thinking about traumas through food.

Project details

Power Play