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Creating a sensitive city

Historically, urban spaces have been the centre of uneven power relations, oppressive socio-political structures and exclusionary and discriminatory practices. Despite some progress, women are still being marginalised and excluded from the decision-making and design process of urban space. In turn, urban space became the major spheres of inequality and oppression that shapes the way in which women experience urban space.

Women have other wishes and needs regarding to urban space than men. Women use urban space more in their free time as social places to stay, are often outside with (the responsibility for) others, they make short stops, and with a specific purpose (residence, relaxation, imagination). To ensure that women’s wishes and needs are taken into account when building urban environments, we need more female representation and input.

Women in urban space improve the living environment and contribute to social safety, social cohesion, and the feeling of home. Together they create a sense of belonging”.

Kavitha Vellu-Hackney, 2022.

That’s why I developed an interview tool for designers (architects, urban planners and developers) to gain insights into the experience, wishes and needs of women with regard to urban space, so that designers can take this into account during their design process. By doing this designers can design more inclusive and contribute to the livability of urban space.

My tool will be presented at the Graduation show from 13 July till 17 July, 2022. And on 13 July I will give a demonstration on how the tool works. For more info regarding this project or my other projects you can find me on LinkedIn:

Project details

In collaboration with:
Eva van Breugel