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Project details


Inspired by the beauty and richness of my cultural heritage this project engages with the stories of 12 Bulgarian customs. Aiming to bring attention back to these rituals in the context of contemporary conversations, ‘Origins’ explores a system of visual storytelling through replacing language as the core way we tackle the delivery of cultural discourses with visual structures undertaking the role of information carriers. By building on top of the idea of conventional storytelling through spoken and written language, this work interlaces characters from the Glagolitic alphabet with storytelling symbols to visually layer and curate the narrative behind each tradition into a wearable material piece of art.

A ritual of patting each other on the back for health throughout the year.

Fetching the holy cross from the freezing winter waters for a healthy year.

A parade of scary monsters banishing the evil spirits among us.

A ritual sacrifice of a rooster celebrating male fertility and the becoming of a man.

The first cutting of the vines as a celebration of life and rebirth.

Asking for forgiveness from the elderly – a custom of spiritual purification.

Celebrating the beginning of spring with small woolen adornments.

Girls transitioning into young women as a custom of becoming ready for marriage.

Dancing on embers as a celebration of life and a beautiful cult to the sun.

Gathering herbs before sunrise on the most magical day of the year.

An orphan dressed in leaves sings prayers for rain throughout the village.

A ritual funeral for a doll made out of mud as a protection against hail.