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To WdKA graduates platform

Sound Jams

Project details

Master – Media Design: Experimental Publishing


Sound Jams // Deluxe Edition celebrates the launch of [sound jams] – a series of facilitated collective sound-based publication makings that I started doing as part of my master’s course research. In the CD case, you will find the first five editions of the sound jams: the stories behind the making, highlights from the process, visual scores, illustrations and, of course, the sonic pieces (on the micro SD card as well as accessible through a QR code & web link).


Sound Jams // Methods of Collective Sound-Based Publication-Making for Practitioners from Various Backgrounds follows my master’s research on exploring ways to facilitate group sound-making experiences. By sound jam, I understand any facilitated process of sound-making and publishing that includes more than one person. Its core principle is inclusivity: it is open to people with or without musical training and offers a structure in which everyone is invited to find a suitable role and space for experimentation. The process grants the makers the opportunity to create a sound publication as a group. This paper explores five sound jams as applied methods that provide such processes and a safe space for makers to open up to a moment of collective sound-making and sharing.

Grad Show

_Radio Shows

Across two evenings XPUB shared their work and research through interviews. Interviews here were interpreted in different ways by each student – they structured dialogues, discussions and bubbles of thought, mixed with infomercials and sonic material that shares more of our practices. The radio shows were a teaser to invite the listeners to our graduation show. They were hosted by Ål Nik [Alexandra Nikolova] and Gersande Schellinx and aired on Radio WORM on June 23rd and 27th.

_Sound Installation

Sound Jams // Listen and Respond was a cosy, bubbly corner that invited the guests to spend a little time with (some of) the five Sound Jams. They could have a look at a sample of the audiozine publication. The visitors were also invited to respond to what they listened to by leaving an audio recording. The setup took place as part of Experimental Publishing’s graduation show at Slash Gallery (Worm) between 29th of June and 2nd of July.