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To WdKA graduates platform
You can find me here: 2.B (WH)

Gender expression in perspective

Project details

No practice
Outside wdka: sexuality and diversity at De Haagse Hogeschool

Gender expression is about what or how you do. For example, how you behave, dress or move.

This artwork provides a safe and inclusive space where gender expression can be discussed. It invites people to form their own opinions about the issue and allows them to explore the perspectives of others, potentially leading to self-recognition. It recognizes the importance of individual opinions and experiences.
The artwork embraces diversity and brings together different perspectives, actively engaging participants in exploring and transforming the space according to their own comfort and needs. Promoting inclusion and creating an open environment are essential elements of this artwork, where each unique individual experience is heard and valued.

I ask the participants to use the material to visually depict their response to the following question in the work.
How does society respond to your gender expression?