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To WdKA graduates platform
van Muijden
You can find me here: 3.G (WH)

Residue Behind

Project details

Bachelor – (de)Fine Art

I have always been captivated by seeing the world as layers and parts. Separating and re-organizing the different components and levels of us, and everything around us, but particularly the structure of the human mind and body. What are its parts, its levels? How does it become dysfunctional or corrupted? My work seeks to capture different windows into the architecture of the human psyche and the moments of violence and trauma which shape its construction. Investigating these themes with a focus on storytelling through a separation of layers to reveal something which exists in the darker corners of our subconscious and to present a new window into our invisible history. I explore this notion with my drawings by separating layers and symbols into taxonomic formats to tell new stories and construct a visual language of our minds, its shadow and our bodies. Through my sculptural work I focus on creating marked anthropomorphic as well as dissected bio-mechanical forms to investigate the nature and interplay of permanence, imprints, plasticity and constant states of change of the body and psyche.