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Seeing Sounds

Project details

Bachelor – Illustration
Honours Programme
external minor at the Royal Conservatoire in The Hague: chamber music and improvisation (jazz violin)


Kaja Majoor – violin & illustration

Diederik Smulders – cello



Seeing Sounds is an interdisciplinary performance that explores the fascinating phenomenon of synesthesia through the medium of self-made graphic scores.

Illustrator and violinist Kaja Majoor and cellist Diederik Smulders are both classical musicians who share a passion for contemporary music and a fascination with performance art. They are combining these different art disciplines in the Seeing Sounds project.

During the performances, colours, shapes and movements are transformed into harmonious melodies and extraordinary sounds. The graphic scores will be projected on a large screen in order to give the audience the chance to follow both the improvised music as well as the graphic scores. This event offers an opportunity to explore the interfaces between music and art and push the boundaries of imagination.

With the Seeing Sounds project Kaja Majoor wants to investigate how graphic scores can be used to create visual representations of sounds, giving both synesthetes and non-synesthetes a chance to experience music in a multi-sensory way.

Seeing Sounds will be fully performed during the Muziekzomer Gelderland Festival at the Kröller Müller Museum on 1, 3, 8 & 10 August.

Click here for more info

The Graphic Scores

Circular Overtones

Melodic Breeze

Rhythmic Abstractions

Harmonic Chaos

Shifting Patterns