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How can pareidolia make an individual look beyond the objective reality of a visual landscape?

Project details

Bachelor – Spatial Design
Digital Craft

Observing space with AI pareidolia as visual translating tool and projection mapping as visual representing tool.

Pareidolia is derived from the Greek words para (instead) and eidolon (image). This instead image can influence and change the affective perception of a visual scene. As a Spatial Designer I think about how spaces are organized and how they might enrich the lives of those experiencing them. Pareidolia shows us that there is not one way to look at the world, but that multiple views are possible.

This Land Art project started by wondering about playfully experimenting with space and wanting to observe space in a deeper observing way. The act of visual layering in space is central in this concept, by creating a technique to re-define the visuals of the natural landscape surface, to stimulate and trigger our subjectiveness with. A deeper connection with the objective object will rise, via a deeper observation, from an individual.

The autonomous project consists of 3 important stages: Translating – Representing – Observing. This re-defining technique helps to visually explore space in the already existing space. The translating stage is achieved by AI pareidolia via computer vision program DeepDream. AI can analyse much larger datasets than humans can, it detects pareidolia in every landscape, allowing it to uncover patterns humans would simply miss. The representing stage consists of projection mapping, video edited after the workings of the appearance of human pareidolia. In the observing stage the individual observes the translated and represented surface and forms his own subjective vision throughout this layer to the
wider landscape.

There are two ways to exhibit Land Art; site and nonsite. This pareidolia project is intended to be a site work, but will be exhibited as a nonsite work; a sample of reality is made from a made reality, to present the essence of the concept. The importance is a landscape dominant element in nature, which can guide further vision to the wider landscape. The useable element is a rock.