The project “Are you a player ?” Is an interactive instal- lation that aims to encourage people to reconnect with their playful side this is done through learning what their play type is. By getting a better understanding that there are many ways of playing and everyone experiences their playfulness differently, people can engage in their play- fulness more effectively and consciously.
By picking statements people can learn what their play type is as well as on the back find inspiration in the form of prompts for those who need it. The project is not only the installation there is a website as well for those who would like more in depth information about what their play-type is. The intention is for the project to be placed in places where young adults often do not experience much playfulness or places that often not encourage it
If you would like to talk more about my project email me @

Project details
- Year
- 2023
- Programme
- Bachelor – Graphic Design
- Practices
- commercial
- Minor
- Branding