Choke me
Research about the phenomenon called screen apnea shows that 80% of people who are in focus behind a screen breathe shallowly to periods of holding their breath, which remains the body in a cyclical state of stress.
We know that excessive technology use affects our health and wellbeing, but how realistic is it that experts are saying we need to get away from our screens to combat this? The project highlights the phenomenon screen apnea, the abusive relationship we can have with screens and opens the dialogue how this will likely get worse heading toward a digital future. Am I actually giving consent to choke me?
Could we become more aware of our bodies behind a screen with existing elements of the laptop itself?
Syncing up with the laptop by creating comparisons with our human relationships, we become more conscious of our body behind a screen, and aware of a future where we are being choked (metaphorically).
Through the unconscious behavior of the user being in focus behind a laptop, sensors measure the index fingers and have the laptop fan mirror screen apnea, and breathe together in sync.
Translated into a film and interactive prototype.
Film | A speculative future scenario
Research about the phenomenon called screen apnea shows that 80% of people who are in focus behind a screen breathe shallowly to periods of holding their breath, which remains the body in a cyclical state of stress. If this will likely get worse heading toward a digital future, are we being chocked (metaphorically)? While, from a personal believe, breathing is the powerful tool for dealing with stress. The film visualizes the phenomenon in a speculative digital future scenario and interpersonal intimacy. By making comparisons with our human relationships and how this affect our breathing, whether similar connections can be created between the laptop and its user. Getting in sync, just as we tend to synchronize our breathing when lying in bed next to your partner.
Watch the film (3 min) here:
PROTOTYPE | The breathing keyboard
A conversation piece that discovers a new way of looking and interacting with the laptop. Through the user’s unconscious behavior while being in focus behind a laptop and making use of the laptop’s existing elements; the F and J keys of the keyboard and the laptop fan. Without extra stress and pressure from yet another device or notification. A step towards staying consciously embodied – the practice of being more aware of your body, in relation to our device. Highlighting techno-animism – how technology is and most likely will be more imbued with human characteristics. Therefore, even if mindfulness and breathwork are more incorporated, you still spend most of your time behind the laptop.
Full case at