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To WdKA graduates platform
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“Once we were objects.”

Project details

Bachelor – Product Design
New Frontiers

About “Once we were objects.”

The ceramic creatures that are made during this project are eager to meet you. In my graduation show they will reveal themselves for the first time to the public. This page contain some pictures of them that functions as teasers, these are only some of the in total more than 30 creatures that are created during the graduation period. They together act as a shape language that questions our perception of aliveness in the objects which surrounds us, and therefore the way we should treat them.

The illustrations that are made during this project are bound together in a booklet. This booklet illustrates their context and how the creatures want to be seen, treated and interact with/by others. The booklet will be shown at the graduation shown. It contains text and illustrations, three of the ±40 illustrations can be seen in the pictures below.

About Quin

Hey, I am Quin. I create work in collaboration with materials. As I do not see the creation process as something that I do alone. I deem it to be the result of the collaboration/conversation between the surroundings, the material and me. Together we create things that rather question than answers the world around us. 

I try to avoid calling the creations I made as objects, I prefer to consider them as beings or creatures. By seeing them as living entities there is more space for conversation instead of leading an interaction by pure assumption. Maybe we should stop using ‘things’ and start collaborating with them, by accepting them for their imperfections and praising them for their uniqueness.

If you have interest in one of the creatures or want to contact me for other purposes, feel free to do so. If you want to see my project evolving then follow me on my instagram. Hope to hear from you! 


Instagram: @quinscholten