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Project details

Bachelor – Spatial Design
Public & Private

The idea that children should learn to think within the limited boundaries of a playground bothers me. The places reserved and designed specifically for them are created by adults with a limited and patronizing view of play and children. After all, we adults are no longer children. Risks are calculated and restricted; there are rubber tiles and pointless corners. Materials that are resistant to damage are used, both for the lifespan of the play equipment and to prevent vandalism.

The traditional playground standards limit children’s opportunities to create their own play worlds. My goal is to empower children in the city. That’s why my design consists of separate elements and materials with which they can create their own play area. Children should be able to decide for themselves how to use the play space and establish their own rules.

The components in my design have some abstraction to stimulate imagination and serve multiple functions, including connecting elements for creating structures. The play elements that I distilled from the results of the workshops – height, shelter, overview, safety, excitement, and movement – are each represented in the toolbox. The design is mobile, allowing it to be brought to a schoolyard, playground, or sidewalk. This way, any place can become a play area.