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To WdKA graduates platform

Sewing ; Together ; A ; Rhythm;

Project details

Bachelor – Photography
Social Practices
Cultural Diversity

The last time I danced, with my full heart, I feel like was a very long time ago. Around two years ago I had an accident in which I broke my knee cap. It was a traffic accident, and in a lot of ways I blame myself for it.

Even through the process of physiotherapy and leg exercises, trust did not necessarily grow within me. I’ve always been quite careful, but most recently I’ve become fearful.

From my poem Dear Afrekete:

“thank you for reminding me of how to move


a rhythm


allow the



To allow the rhythm, I researched starting moving my body again, and doing things I am scared to do, that push my boundaries in a progressive way.

Throughout this project I reflected on different modes of movement, which for me within this project entail choreographed dancing, bouldering, running, and any other exercise I encounter to be a way of finding an understanding into my own body again.

With my project and research, I hope to find ways of understanding how to engage with my body to cultivate trust and move away from fear.

With an interactive approach to the viewing experience of my work, the use of the senses, such as touch, are implemented seeking to give the opportunity for others to notice their embodied knowledge by facilitating an experience. In this experience I aim to highlight the significance of touch, reimagining the erotic and finding art as a healing practice.