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To WdKA graduates platform
Kieblesz (Anna Kieblesz)

Eventually Everything Is Scratched

Touch implies a connection between at least two points. Two points entail they have some kind of closed form. How are we touched? It’s difficult to define where the borders are. Where are we inside, where are we outside? 

To prepare for this distinction, this body moves orderly between the duties of self-division. Which one is the pathway to self-transformation? What are your ways of becoming? It’s like I’m bleeding or eating beetroots and I’m not sure which one is which. This is your sensation, not you, and you are not quite the body. 

If you realise that everything is empty, 

you stop searching for ways of filling it in. 

You will find out there is no center.

This is a rescue. 

Relax behind the eyes.