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To WdKA graduates platform
Zhuk (zhoukas)
You can find me here:

Don’t Burn


Bachelor – Animation


Game Design & Development


“Don’t Burn” is an animated short film developed by four animation students, depicting the journey of a young rabbit magician struggling with performance anxiety and fear of judgment.
Set in a small city hall, the magician’s dreams of glory clash
with the audience’s cold reception, transforming his aspirations into a nightmarish experience filled with demons and metaphysical spaces. To achieve success, he pushes his
limits, risking his safety.

This project aims to raise awareness about the pressures faced by performers and is intended for submission to various film festivals.

The core team comprises:
Director Alekos Recchia,
Lead Animator & VFX Priyesh Sadhoe,
Art Director Kotryna Urbanaviciute,
Producer Antonina Zhuk.

The project also received support from students across different years. As the producer, I focused on creating a productive
environment and solving resource issues, such as recruiting
additional background artists or finding a budget.

Voordekunst & het Cultuurfonds

To improve the production quality, I started the campaign on the Dutch crowdfunding platform Voordekunst. Also, we have received a contribution from het Cultuurfonds Zuid Holland and they have decided that they want to donate to our campaign with € 1.000.


Follow the project in our Instagram to be updated!!!