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To WdKA graduates platform
Bas van
You can find me here: 2.F WH

Save Our Sound

Project details

Bachelor – Graphic Design
Commercial Practices
Contexts & Situatedness

The Save Our Sound project is born out of a fascination and at the same time concern for the animal world. Animals form the soundtrack of our planet with each animal being a beautiful and unique instrument. Through the acts of mankind we are currently losing instruments rapidly. The SOS project is created to make us aware of our responsibility to protect this soundtrack for our future generations.

The SOS project is an innovative awareness campaign developed using sound-based motion. Together with creative coder Mike van der Sanden, I developed an interactive sound-based motion system based on animal sounds. This system makes it possible to capture the unique sounds of animals and transform them into typographical shapes and patterns which results in attention grabbing visuals. This system was used as a base to develop the campaign.

The campaign includes digital iterations in multiple formats focusing on six animals. Besides the main digital use, I have created a printed poster series showcasing the flexibility of the campaign identity and how it’s used with traditional ways of communication. All of these iterations are supported by an online platform with information on the project, the complete research and the interactive sound-based motion system.