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Project details

Bachelor – Transformation Design
Honours Programme
Visual Culture

Touchscape is a sensory stimulating workshop that is designed as an additional form of sex education for young adults.

This workshop was created by participatory research and the guidance of field experts. The exercises are mindfulness based and give the participants the chance to explore their sensual self through playful, tactile and physical experiences.

In the workshop we start with exploring our own needs, desires and boundaries. And build up to exploring our own preferences with other people, our surroundings and the space we are in.

For my first workshop series. The sensory focus is on touch. Since this is the first sense we develop as humans to understand ourselves and the world around us. The exercises include physical touch with one self, others and with their surroundings. To stimulate touch awareness I designed multiply objects that serve the purpose to be held and felt. Participants discover their touch language by exploring the given object together with my guidance.

I ask them questions as: “Are you aware of what you touch in a day?”

Most people touch their phones more often than a loved one on a daily basis. How does this shape us?

And what happens when we explore our own preferences in touch with ourselves, others and our surroundings?

If you want to follow my project or join one of the workshops, take a look at @Cid_Pijnenburg on Instagram.