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Project details

Bachelor – Photography
Autonomous Practices
Digital Craft

Fotomancer is a video game about photography. It is also, more specifically, about my relationship with it. It comes from a desire to inhabit spaces that are non-material. From its peculiar relationship with reality, photography forces us to place ourselves in a world that is not quite “here”, a reality that once existed but is no longer around.

This is also essential to video games. We cannot do anything but immerse ourselves in whatever we control beyond the screen. By shining light on this virtual world, I wonder how similar that space is to the one I construct within my mind when I try to come to terms with the fact that I’m here and take photos.

To anyone who plays this game: It is out of my power and
desire to tell you how to go about experiencing this project.
Although, I do suggest going on observing patiently and with curiosity.