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Talk to you later [TTYL]

Project details

Bachelor – Advertising & Beyond
Autonomous Practices
Public & Private

In todays society we constant shift between online and offline communication. The different environments and the design of social media are created in such a way that it affects the ways we communicate. Resulting in differences in how we communicate which also known as the online disinhibition effect.

Most of us have Little awareness of these differenties, that can be enter positive or negative.  Even if these differences result in communication gaps or when we experience these negative effect, we often take them for granted. They have become so normal in our daily lives that we don’t share them out Rather take them for granted, even though they affect our mental well-being.

The installation [TTYL] is an invitation to observe, think and geflect on the influences of digital interactions. [TTYL] is a powerfull reminder that our words, both online and offline have a significant impact on our relationships, our perception of ourselves and the world around us.

The question that remains at the end; do you connect to how you communicate?