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For Play – Making play a piece of cake

Project details

Bachelor – Product Design
Honours Programme
RASL Re-Imagining Tomorrow Through Arts and Sciences

“We do not stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing.” – George Bernard Shaw

An exploration of playfulness within the home and an introspective on my own creative process.

I have created a system of modules for furniture that can be played with and arranged in an almost infinite number of ways.

With this project, I want to increase playfulness within adults. As we age, our propensity for play tends to decrease. This often starts in adolescence where academic success becomes the main focus and play starts to be seen as a waste of time and is therefore avoided to make way for studying, which is seen as more productive. After this drift away from play starts, it is difficult to go back either due to it being seen as childish and no longer socially acceptable or due to the notion that one’s time should be used wisely which leads to a focus and glorification on productivity.

Play is important as it keeps us young, and it is an integral part of creativity. In fact, play and creativity have a symbiotic relationship where one is not possible without the other. To encourage play and creativity, we also need a certain level of freedom. I chose to pursue design as I enjoyed it and felt that it would be a career I can have fun with. It is this sense of fun and joy that I want to share with the user.

Erwann G Harrison

+44 7397 176883