Soza Adaptive Reuse

The Ministry of Social Welfare (SOZA) by architect Herman Herzberger embodies versatility in design. Designed to grow with the changing needs of the city, It has been successful in its intended and adaptive use for 34 years. Nonetheless, impending demolition looms as profit-driven interests seek to replace it with a lucrative commercial-residential complex under the guise of sustainability and economic welfare. By honouring Herzberger’s original vision of connectivity this project seeks to reclaim the building’s legacy as a symbol of architectural ingenuity and community resilience.
In my design I focus on the theme of connectivity, embracing the style of structuralism and showing how the building could bring value to the existing neighbourhood. It should be credited that several other parties have submitted proposals (Fabrications, AHH), unfortunately all of which have been deemed unfeasible. From a financial perspective adaptive reuse is a gamble, costs can be difficult to foresee but with relentless pressure to meet climate goals unsustainable cycles must be disrupted. The spreadsheets should be re-evaluated to include sustainability metrics in the calculations, recognizing that profits should not be at the expense of environmental integrity or the public interest.

Many thanks to… Herman Herzberger, Laurans Jan ten Kate, Kosmas Spanidis, Marloes Bier, Tianyi Gu
Music credit: Petit Biscuit – You