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Trophy Wives

Project details

Bachelor – Transformation Design
Autonomous Practices

How does one illuminate the patriarchal narrative that lies behind language that reflects a connection between women and non-human-animals, such as the saying “trophy wife?”

My work communicates the feeling of being furniture or trophy as a woman, with all its nuances. It communicates the contrast and connection between the pedestal and uselessness, between beauty and violence. It touches on the dichotomy between being flattered by a compliment and feeling uncomfortable or unsafe at the same time. It sheds light on the beginning of womanhood and the striking changes in the way a woman is treated, and it tells the story of the end of the hunt, to be a beautiful trophy despite all the violence. At the same time, I use these narratives to emphasize the similarities between women’s oppression and animal oppression and to clarify the conflation of these two concepts, making it clear that they are different symptoms of the same cultural problem: a patriarchal hierarchy.

In addition to three sculptures, the work also contains a podcast and a video, further elaborating on the subject and the process.