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To WdKA graduates platform
Rowling (Jasmijn Annabel Rowling)
You can find me here: –2.A BL

Am I allowed to feel about this?

Project details

Bachelor – Illustration
Social Practices
Cultural Diversity

Within my project I researched how I can use my embodied experience with a parent with Psychiatric problems to help heal my trauma. Growing up with a father who has Bipolar Disorder, I grew up around a big stigma and shame surrounding the topic. With this project, I want to open conversations with children and parents about these types of topics.

For my final art project, I made a mobile including all the drawings I made during my research. Representing the feelings of KOPP / KOV Kinderen van Ouders met Psychische en-of Verslavings problematiek , what translates to Children of parents with Mental Issues or Addiction problems. The research focussed on my feelings in particular, but using valuable resources from professionals and scientific research I could create a broad reflection of these important issues.

The mobile symbolizes youth, creation, and looking up to see the feelings you might recognize. Realizing some things in your youth wasn’t easy to comprehend, but quite literally making space for your embodied experience.

Feel free to read my thesis to learn more about the topic.

Contact me if you would like to know more or share your feelings,

@jasannabel –> Instagram