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To Remember Your Dream | Dance Theater Performance

Project details

Bachelor – Audiovisual Design
Autonomous Practices
Digital Craft

To Remember Your Dream is a dance-theater performance about the way we consume audiovisual content as a society. Often subconsciously, we have grabbed our phones before we know it and have focused our attention on an endless stream of content. The question is: where does all of this information go? Into our minds, into our bodies, into our dreams?

Get your tickets to see it live:

There are two performers present in the story. One represents the body and one represents the subconscious mind of that body. Throughout the performance, the body falls asleep and we delve deeper into the world of the subconscious mind. The deeper we go, the more we find out where all the consumed content goes and what it does to the mind. Then the question becomes: how do the mind and body reconnect?


Director and Producer: Jillis Pieters
Choreographer: @saveakagan
Performers: Savea Kagan and @matsheid
Music Composition and Performance: Milo van Riet @milo_vr
Prop Designer: Victoria di Gioia @with.gioia
Technical Support: Eric Bruyn @eric_bruyn
Photography and Filmed Documentation: Jorne IJkema @jorne_ykema
Poster Design: Zuzanna Sieradzka @zuzsieradzka
Production Assistant: Elfie van de Mosselaer @elfiefilms
Audio Production Advisor: Friso van Beek

Special thanks to:

@cultuurfondszuidholland , @voordekunst , Bekker-la Bastide Fonds, Theater Walhalla, @worm_rotterdam , @feikeshuis , @wdka ,Joost Pieters, Monique Hiltermann, Lina Gluvers, Kim Hoorweg, Joost Boon, Jan-Peter Traas, Nicole Traas, Gaby Berger, Okke Pieters, Rasmus Renvall, Anne van Riet, Liesbeth Hiltermann, Karlo Štefanek, Cyril Tan and all of the other contributors!