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Circly The Growing Furniture

Project details

Bachelor – Graphic Design
Honours Programme
RASL Re-Imagining Tomorrow Through Arts and Sciences

In today’s world, we find ourselves in the cycle of excessive consumption and waste. Across the globe, overconsumption and overproduction have become normalized, leading to a throwaway culture. Everything has become easily replaceable and disposable, resulting in the loss of the connections we have to our belongings.

Circly: The Growing Furniture is a design that aims to rebuild these lost connections by offering a personal, emotional experience. Circly seeks to restore the sense of value lost in our throwaway culture. By inviting users to record their memories and experiences on the furniture, it grows with them over time, becoming a part of their lives.

Through this interaction, Circly restores the emotional connections that have been damaged by the throwaway culture and challenges the mindset of the disposable society.

You are invited to restore your connections and document your experiences in a fun and creative way. Let’s redesign how we use our products and create meaningful interactions!