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Project details

Bachelor – Graphic Design
Honours Programme
Visual Culture

The intention of this expression is to set the reader for a journey that discovers and defines contexts using imagery in various forms and mediums. Viewing an image merely as a picture is limiting. When you recognise the power of an image, you begin to notice details that you previously overlooked. And that’s the main argument of this adventure, sharing a story that the images communicate themselves. This story might transform in the form of a visual poetry. And poetry because it’s a sensation, emotion expressing a specific moment, much like a photographic image created by an artist rather than a documentarian. But when does this same image disappear? How do we define something as an image at all? Do we need a specific equipment to capture anything? Or is it simply the subconscious mind of the artist? We can find tools that we will use to express what is inside our imagination. Starting with a thought that comes to life through a pencil and a blank sheet of paper. In order to be filled with personality the emptiness requires our creative spirit, so it’s no longer empty. But what if we pursue the emptiness, after we have come far in the creative process? This is the simplicity that designers speak of. Imagine the empty canvas with a single line, displayed under bulletproof glass at the centre of the largest museum… Reflecting on this perspective is making me realise that everything we do is not even about the image we produce, but the emotion we experience. This emotion could take a variety of forms and representations, being just a line on the empty canvas or simply a presence. Throughout art history we have seen examples of emptiness that were enough prominent, so the art critics would write books about them- trying to explain the great and inexplicable brush stroke. Or the image of a shoe. Or a Japanese poem with just three words. Tools are around us, we either choose them or pass them wondering what’s coming next….