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To WdKA graduates platform
Limburg (Marin van Valkengoed)

Gestural Poetry

Project details

Bachelor – Illustration
Autonomous Practices
Critical Studies

De bak lepels glipt uit mijn handen.
Ik hoor een zucht. Ik raap de lepels op.
Mijn adem stokt in mijn keel,
ik voel me zwaar. Ik knijp in mijn hand.
Ik glimlach.

The bowl of spoons slips from my grasp.
I hear a sigh. I pick up the spoons.
My breath is gasping.
I feel heavy. I squeeze my hand.
I smile.

‘Gestural Poetry’ is a project by Marin about emotion in and outside our bodies. We are often stuck inside our bodies because of our social conventions, which results in a gap between mind and body. Through making ceramic bodies Marin tried to liberate what’s within, and offer a place of mutual understanding and connection on a intuitive level.

By cultivating an environment that contributes to genuine connection, wherein individuals feel empowered to express themselves authentically, we can collectively foster a more inclusive and empathetic society. This journey needs a willingness to confront our own biases and limitations, and to engage in ongoing dialogue and reflection. Ultimately, it is through this process of shared vulnerability and openness that we can evolve collectively, allowing our language and understanding to expand.

For more future projects check my Instagram page! @marinvanvalkengoed