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To WdKA graduates platform
You can find me here: –1.D WH


Project details

Bachelor – Graphic Design
Autonomous Practices
Public & Private

In a world where digital design is increasingly popular, I’m blurring the lines between analog and digital techniques, by experimenting with older or uncommon techniques and embracing their unique qualities.

The artwork on display combines digital animation with traditional printing techniques, creating a new visual style that questions the idea of progress and celebrates unexpected outcomes

Influenced by bold ‘dazzle’ patterns and my playful approach to design, this work highlights the beauty of letting our surroundings inspire creativity. In an industry focused on the latest digital tools, this project encourages you to rethink your relationship with technology and should evoke a more healthy and open approach to design and criticize notions like ‘New is always better’.

I’ve composed a list of propositions as the primary result of my methodology-based research on rethinking motion and graphic design aesthetics. 

The goal is for people to relate, and that the word ‘we’ in the list will grow into a community consisting of likeminded people who approach media choices in design without outdated biases and compartmentalizing techniques as 

‘old’, ‘new’, ‘obsolete’, ‘digital’, or ‘analog’. 

Welcome to the post- post- digital designer’s club.