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Project details

Bachelor – Graphic Design
Commercial Practices
Contexts & Situatedness

Meta-Morphosis is a project that explores dark forest theory and reflects on our current relationship with the digital media, uprooting the processes of screening to enter everyday internet. This project hopes to offer a critical view on the nature of personalised communication on web 2.0.

“The internet is a dark forest. The roots grow upwards, the crown reaches downwards: wrapped around the planet, the internet circulates between satellites and underwater cables. The internet is a tangible space, yes, but also a mental expanse. Made for sleepwalking, for a mundane delirium. For sacrificial rituals. People get lost in it by shining light in all the wrong places, exposing too much about themselves, communicating impulsively, recklessly.”

Konior, Bogna. “The Dark Forest: Theory of the Internet.”

This theory offers an interesting perspective on the nature of personalised communication on web 2.0. In the digital dark forest, our need to communicate is exploited by the corporate media. I materialized this theory into an interactive web-based work that invites the user to go through a sequence of tasks before gaining access to “the internet”. Taking them into the inner workings of the cycle that perpetuates the dark forest, using our data to keep it alive and growing.