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To WdKA graduates platform
Caruana (Rachel Caruana)
You can find me here: 3.A WH

All The Ways I Can Fall

Project details

Bachelor – Illustration
Autonomous Practices
Digital Craft


Inspired by the comparison of human existence to a perpetual dance with gravity—a tangible reference to a struggle against imbalance, which mirrored the physical manifestation of my own efforts to control and navigate life’s metaphorical pitfalls—the physical act of falling quickly emerged as the perfect expression and metaphor.Through researching falling as a learned skill, particularly within the context of dance, and engaging in intentional falls, the act of falling evolved into a personal symbol of release. Embracing falling came to signify the pursuit of freedom, highlighting a new paradox where surrendering control (to gravity, in this case) was not only acceptable but beneficial as the disorientation inherent in falling holds potential for positive change.



My own experiences and feelings alongside the silent narrative potential of bodily movement, have always been a great source of inspiration. In my artistic practice, I thus often seek to intertwine these elements, harnessing the expressive power of movement to convey introspective narratives. My recent fascination with the idea of embracing “letting go” in my personal life, inevitably also prompted me to delve into the exploration of embodying and portraying this concept through movement in my work. 

Departing from a collection of thoughts and reflections, attempting to unravel the intricacies of my inclination towards constant control and the challenges inherent in the process of unlearning, I landed on the the notion of “falling” which deeply resonated as a perfect metaphor.

This narrative was ultimately portrayed through a collection of three sets of paintings, depicting instances of falling—focusing on the moments of departure and release.