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To WdKA graduates platform
Sanne ter
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An ode to the carrot, and a roast of the system

Project details

Bachelor – Graphic Design
Commercial Practices
Materials & Systems

An Ode to the carrot, and a roast of the system explores the sustainability of the current food system and the position of young adults within it. The project consists of two main components:

An Ode to the Carrot is an installation that celebrates the sustainable carrot, a vegetable that thrives year-round in Dutch soil. On top, around, and above the dining table, carrots took the spotlight. This SUPER seasonal vegetable should be more appreciated! How special and flavorful it is when freshly pulled from the ground, and look at how diverse they are in the kitchen! Snap a picture of a recipe that intrigues you and create a meal featuring carrots this week. Oh my, all these carrots! Already curious about what broccoli season will bring? 

A Roast of the System is a publication, which explores the current food system and critically examines sustainable choices in supermarkets. All around the question: Where is my food coming from? Making this question important is the first step toward a changing system.

An ode to the humble carrot, so bright, 

No need for food-miles or greenhouses’ light.

In Dutch soil, it grows year-round, 

With roots that reach deep in the ground. 

Raw in salads or stewed in pots, 

In cakes and soups, carrots are tops.

On the table is shown the diversity of the orange stick, 

A veggie so all-round, it’s a culinary trick.