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To WdKA graduates platform
Wise de Jong


Project details

Bachelor – Illustration
Social Practices
New Earth

For three months in the autumn of 2023, I lived life as a digital nomad in Central and Eastern Europe. With remote work becoming a trendy cultural phenomenon, many countries in Europe and beyond are making it easier for digital nomads to stay for longer periods of time with visas and tax breaks. I wanted to explore the ethical and creative implications of travelling full-time. Does this kind of lifestyle enhance and inspire creativity? And what are the effects on local communities and the wider environment? 

The analogue and digital images in my publication Footprint offer a glimpse into this world. Along with this, I have included my observations in three short pieces of writing. I explore three different aspects of how digital nomads live: the importance of slowing down, drawing comparisons between today’s remote workers and nomadic peoples of history, and forms of sustainability within long-term travel.

During the Graduation Show, I will present my publication along with a curated mini-library of personal and borrowed books, inviting visitors to explore the context of the work and take a thoughtful, restful moment.

Visit me on Instagram at @sarahwisedejong or on my website,