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You can find me here: 3.D WH


Project details

Bachelor – Product Design
Autonomous Practices

A clock without a function. The function merged with time. What remains is an object that symbolizes boredom. Serving time. Staring away the minutes. It’s called ‘lummeling’ in dutch. In our society, we are constantly distracted. Addicted to dopamine, we reach for our phone every minute. Our brain never stands still. Modern brain scientists now teach us that lounging around, daydreaming, musing and doing nothing is actually good for our brain, to clear and organize our brain.

This series of clocks symbolizes the time when I spent my boring working days from 9 to 5 in a notary’s office. When my jobs were done, I started staring at the clock. By staring at the endless ticking of minutes, everything slowly faded into functionless shapes.
Due to my previous material studies surrounding the heatless melting of plastic, my choice to use Duplo for this project was quickly made. Duplo. For many, one of the first memories of creativity. The same goes for me. As a child you can still be set free. Not yet afraid of making mistakes. Endless possibilities and combinations. You could say the purest form of creativity. By (again) tying myself to these toys as literal building blocks for my project, I encourage myself to dare to create so limitlessly again.
In my clocks the worlds of boredom and creativity intersect. By writing about this in my thesis, I have come to realize that these worlds are much closer together than I thought. My work serves as an invitation to once again take the time to stare away at time.