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Schoon (soon suzanne)

‘i cried out the whole world, and then started living in it.’

is Suzanne Schoon, a.k.a. soon suzanne’s new publication, which debuted this June. In this book, consisting of 120 mental health related artworks, Suzanne shows a variety of paintings, which are part of her own daily practice of painting in a small journal, to process her own mental health. She is an illustrator who ‘makes to make’, which keeps her inspired.

With publishing this book, she continues her journey to share, and initiate conversations about difficult or stigmatized subjects, such as depression and mental illness. Her inviting artworks inspire, explain, or question feelings in a non-threatening way, which encourage the viewer to engage with the art, whether it be private or public.

How can I as an artist help start the conversation around mental health?

This question has been a big influence in the art that I have made over the years. Before constructing this question for my graduation project, the art that I have made has always had personal mental health related goals, like processing emotions, or visualizing what I couldn’t talk about. I now want to grow and experiment, and go from private to public, by sharing my work.

Raising this question is important. Both to me as a maker-because making and sharing art has greatly improved my own mental wellbeing, and to society in today’s climate as well, because mental health problems can affect anyone’s life, at any given time, which is why it is always relevant to talk about it.

This project is close to my heart. It is part of a journey to process and improve my own mental health- and that of others, by making and sharing art. For me personally, making art has been a huge part of my healing journey, and making and art has encouraged me to open up about difficult subjects. I am hoping that this book and my art can be of comfort to others in similar circumstances. 

Visit my Instagram page to see more: @soon.suzanne

Project details

Bachelor – Illustration
Social Practices
Cultural Diversity