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To WdKA graduates platform
Valaitytė (Bedugne)
You can find me here: 1.E BL

Nothing but Light & Verdure

Project details

Bachelor – Illustration
Honours Programme
Visual Culture

My graduation final piece is a tribute to nature, more precisely,
to plants and flowers.

With the title “Nothing but Light and Verdure,” I am express-
ing my desire to have a world where humans and nature can come
back to the long-lost harmony. Although this is just a roman-
ticized scenario in my mind, I imagine a world where we let go
of control and allow nature to take over again.
A place where plants are bursting out of every corner and the
chaos and beauty of the earth are finally allowed to shine
through. A place where we can sit down and reconnect with the
earth and our place in it.
To express this desire through a virtual form, I have created ceramic lamps that have special lights that encourages plant growth. The lamp will also function as a pot for planting flowers. When the light is on, it will give light to the flowers and help them continue to grow and thrive even more.

MY work is meant not to replicate nature, but rather en-
hance it’s beauty, I take the feeling I get from being sur-
rounded by plants and flowers, and translate it into art, by
shaping clay, into something, that only merely can describe
the beauty I feel when i am in nature.

This work is for every plant, trying to
sprout through the asphalt ground in the
cities, reclaiming its spot on this earth,
for every tree whose roots destroy the roads
and pathways.