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To WdKA graduates platform
Willemijn van
Loon (jijniecreates)
You can find me here: 2.B WH


Project details

Autonomous Practices
Critical Studies

Luddite i

In Luddite i, I reflect on the fast advancing AI technologies in the arts sector. Using old fashioned brushes, pigment and canvas, I have depicted my own take on these advancements. The inverted and disorienting colors represent the alienation I feel as an artist when regarding art that is made by AI. The disconnection between art and artist is amplified by the fact that it is almost impossible to trace the data that is used by AI generators. The people on the canvas cling together, and are hardly recognizable. Like many artists, they are tired and try to find a last solace in each other. The illusion of disfigured limbs mimics the early AI generator’s art style. Yet when the puzzle is solved, the limbs seem to be realistic after all.

100×120 cm

Acrylic on canvas

Luddite ii

Framed by my late grandmother’s golden frame, Luddite ii shows the distance between my past, present and future. Through the lens of infinite innovation, everything has changed.

The past is real and solidified, represented by the real frame. My longing for slow living and a passion for art history shine through the artwork in the background depicted in its natural state, tying me to the present. When it comes to myself, I only recognize my face. The rest been distorted. It is still possible to tell what is what, but the future is unclear.

Innovation can bring new opportunities, but when it comes to AI, I feel like a luddite: a derogatory term for somebody opposed to new technology or ways of working. By using this term, I mock myself, yet I relate to it as well.

20×28 cm

Acrylic on paper
