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Project details

Bachelor – Advertising & Beyond
Commercial Practices
Branding (not specific city)

— An expedition to the world model inside AI.

As generative AI tools will soon dominate our media, you will need to understand that inside these tools lies an abstract representation of the physical world. This representation is called a world model and is built by pushing gigantic datasets through algorithmic processes. But these world models are totally foreign to us and more importantly, they don’t represent the physical world at all!

I believe that to navigate the future’s AI-dominated media, you need to know how these world models work.

So, join me on an expedition to Generated.Earth. Generated.Earth is a gigantic AI-generated map of real continents made with prompts. Our expedition we will take us from the European data oceans to the data deserts in Africa. Along the way, we will encounter celebrities, scars of war, beautiful beaches and a lot of dogs. And on each stop, you will discover new insights into how AI’s world models work and are formed.