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Softer than the Rod

Project details

Bachelor – (de)Fine Art
Honours Programme
Visual Culture

Softer than the Rod: in search of ones true essence in an imaginary realm is a series of 14 paintings made in the spring of 2024. They are a mixture of selfportraiture and other figurative paintings in collaboration with friends, peers and strangers.

The Island

”We all start on a ship. On the ship there are sailors who rigidly enforce everyone performing their prescribed social roles. If anyone on the ship doesn’t fully adhere to the script, the sailors throw them overboard. They can then make their way to the island.” This is what I told each participant before we started. How someone got themselves thrown off, and what they would be doing once on the shores was something to find out together.

Pissing off of a cliff, 2024
Shiny Competence, 2024

Details from Piƫta for our Mothers, 2024

The Key, 2024

Tiny biography

Yosra Abbady is a Dutch artists whos practice is primarily focussed on painting. Having been born in the Dutch bible-belt to a reformed christian mother and a Muslim father, her work is often zooms in on the everyday influences of Abrahamic religion on modern day culture. Playing with and investigating the limitis of the artists gaze, there is a heavy focus on the agency on the sitter. A good deal of world-buliding often precedes, or otherwise comes to play a part in, the conception of each painting.

Beach Romp, 2024